I’m making a simple section in my app that has me confused. I am very new to Bubble. I essentially have a page where I want an employee to submit an order.
I wanted to do it in a pop-up that it can display later on that page in a repeater. That part is easy.
The part I’m confused about is I have input fields for
Employee Name, Date is needed for, and what event is it for.
After that, I need inputs for the Part Name, Part Number, and Qty. Which again easy to do. The part I’m stuck on is how do I add a “add more items” essentially as an employee may need more than 1 item.
Any help would appreciate
From what I understand you won’t need a nested repeating group for that. It depends on how you’ve structured your database.
Table 1. Products (that employees can add to cart)
Table 2. for employees with thier information (keep one field for list of products added to cart)
Table 3. Single line entries - whenever an order is confirmed all items in the cart should be added to this table as single line entries with order ids (next table)
Table 4. Order (contains information about the full order eg. total price, date, number of items, etc )
Here’s an example
Table 1.
- Product 1
- Product 2
- Product 3
Table 2
- User 1 (Product 1, Product 2)
- User 2
Table 3
- Product 1, User 1, Order 1
- Product 2, User 1, Order 1
Hope this helps
I wanted to do it in a repeating group to display the data. By table do you mean in a table module?
My DB is:
-Oder Date
-Order Name
-Employee (ordering)
-OrderItems (list of OrderItems)
-item name
-item part number-
-add to order yes or no drop-down
The products are going to be manually entered it won’t be from data from a DB. As in these are items they need and want it ordered for them to be in the store / they need for a class.
as “table” he meant “datatype”
table 3 > your orderitems datatype
table 4 > your order datatype
So each time a order item is fully set by the user, your need to save it as orderitem
then reset the form so he.shr can add a new one (you can display items in a repeating group for display while he.she fills other item)
link those orederitems to an order (you need to create it when creating the first orderitem )
Oh i think i get what you are saying. So have a button that takes the item name, part number, qty and that button submits it to the list and resets the order fields so they can enter another?
My goal was to have it so if they enter one row of items then I could click add more items texxt underneath that adds a new row and still keep the previous one incase they want to delete it.
Also does an active discord exist for bubble?
yes you can also do this with a RG filled with input setup with autobiding, and a plus button adding a new entry in the table (just with user + order) 
Hmm haven’t mess with autobinding may have to look into that. So I would just use a RG with my 3 inputs and do whatever autobinding is?
Hmm autobinding seems like the way to go! Only question is I setup my Add button to create a new thing and it makes it with the order table, but I cant make it save for the orderItem table.
I try to create a new thing but the input names don’t show up as elements
Can you send screen shots. That way we can debug it better