No code, no uglyness, no stress, no mess

Advanced animated features for Bubbleio elements.
■ Skeleton Loader
■ Animated inputs/Dropdowns
■ Loading icons
■ Loading Buttons
■ Copy/Past functionnality

5 days before lunching the plugin.
Check it out:

All what I’m asking is:
Would u use it?
How much would u pay for it?

I’d recommend breaking this down into separate plugins so it is easier for people to find exactly what they’re looking for, such as a skeleton loader plugin, animated inputs plugin, etc. You’ll have better luck with sales that route, it would also reduce bloat. Then you could make a “Pro Bundle” with everything at a reduced price.

In terms of pricing I’d ask if there are any similar plugins on the marketplace and what they are being offered at. If there’s a free loading icon plugin (which there are many, let alone lottie) I probably wouldn’t pay anything unless yours addressed pain points the other plugins don’t.

As someone who has been using bubble for years, the skeleton loader, animated inputs, and copy paste are probably your best bets in terms of monetizing plugins, there’s only a handful of ones out there, everything else is already offered for free and it’s oversaturated.

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