🚀 Nocodable - Build faster and better Bubble apps

Hey everyone ! :wave:

I’m proud to announce the launch of Nocodable Components !

A new Components Library for Bubble, thought to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible !

Install the extension to get started :point_right: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nocodable-components/ccpdpohmhhbjjjaodngpjeblhbnmbhoj?hl=fr&authuser=0

(To celebrate the launch, you’ll find a Lifetime Deal that will grant you a Lifetime access to Nocodable Components !)

:point_down: The features you will already find on Nocodable Components :point_down:

:shopping_cart: 1. Components Library :shopping_cart:

As of today, Nocodable’s library is composed of 95 high quality, fully responsive and customizable components from 23 different categories.

You will find Dashboards, Sidebars, Popups, Modals, Various UI Assets, Marketing Components and many more !

:books: 2. Your own personal components library :books:

Want to re-use components you’ve already built ? Simply save them to your Nocodable’s library by Right-Clicking any elements on the Bubble editor.

It works for any elements (Groups, Floating Groups, RG, Pages, Reusable etc…).

Simply click Save Component or Save Component with WF, and you’re good to !

:busts_in_silhouette: 3. Share components with your team :busts_in_silhouette:

You’re working in a team ? Sharing components between members is the best way to save time when working on projects.

Simply create your team and invite colleagues to start sharing !

:spiral_calendar: ROADMAP // What’s more to come ?

This is only the beginning for Nocodable Components.

  1. Nocodable’s UI System

Soon, I will add Nocodable’s first UI System, composed of around 100 components coming from a single UI System.

  1. AI Components creator

I’m still training the AI, but soon you’ll be able to create components with a simple prompt, and paste it directly into Bubble !

  1. Color palettes management

Set your app’s color palettes into Nocodable Components, and see components automatically customized to your colors !

  1. Dark mode for every components

Easily switch between light and dark mode on any components, so that you can use them whether you’re building a light or dark themed app !

You want to build Bubble apps faster than ever ? Grab your lifetime access to Nocodable Components before it ends ! :point_right: https://www.nocodable-components.com/

If you have feedbacks and questions, feel free to post it here, I’ll be happy to answer them !


Well done!

Having tested it, the components are of very high quality!

It’s saved me an enormous amount of time building my pages :slight_smile:

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Thank you Maxime ! And thanks for testing the extension :slight_smile:

In summary, if you are a Bubble user, I highly recommend installing this extension. It will save you time and improve your productivity with super clean and professional elements. Bravo @ThomasC2A for this superb tool!

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Thank you @farouk.zemmouri !! And thanks a lot for Beta Testing ! :grin:

Hey guys !

Here are some news about Nocodable Components.

:partying_face: We reached 100 Components in the library :partying_face:

This is a huge milestone for me, as it was the first goal for Nocodable Components ! :dart:

However, it’s only the beggining, and I aim to create 100 more components by mid-november.

If you have some recommendations/requests for some particular components, feel free to write them in this post !

If you want to install the extension to give it a shot, you can do it by visiting the Chrome Web Store → https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/nocodable-components/ccpdpohmhhbjjjaodngpjeblhbnmbhoj?hl=fr

– What’s new ? –

October 12th 2023

:hammer: New extension’s version :hammer:

I’ve just released version of Nocodable Components. Your browser should update it automatically when you relaunch it.

  • Improvements of user experience were made. In particular the issue of the sidebar going under certain Bubble’s editor elements.
  • The button to open the sidebar has slightly moved, following the feedback of several users.
  • Some improvement of performance were also made

:man_cook: What’s cooking ? :man_cook:

I’m working everyday to build new, qualitative and varied components for your everyday Bubble’s needs. Right now, I’m focused on these two categories :

1 - Nocodable UI System

This UI system will be composed of around 100 Components based around a unique design system. This will make it much easier for user to build a clean and consistent ui very fast.

2 - E-Commerce Components

I’m also building the E-Commerce category. This category will be composed of the components needed to build highly qualitative E-Commerce UI. I don’t have a determined number of components yet, but there are going to be more than 50.

:euro: Lifetime Deal :euro:

Nocodable Components’ lifetime deal is slowly approaching its end !

You have until October 18th to get your Lifetime Access to Nocodable !

October 19th 2023 - Update

Hey everyone !

An update has been published over Nocodable Componets. It brings a feature that has been highly requested by users : Folders :open_file_folder:

You can now order your saved components to find them more easily when navigating through the sidebar !

You will be able to create two types of folders :

  • Personal folders (you only will be able to access the components it holds)
  • Shared folders (all your team’s members will be able to access your folders and all its components)

We’ve also added the possibility to edit and delete saved components !

We hope that you will like those new features ! :slight_smile:

PS : If you’re late, you can still grab our limited Lifetime Deal !

Hey everyone ! :wave:

We’re proud to announce that we’ve just released our first Multi-Page Component on Nocodable Components.

This component is a Single Page App Dashboard

:white_check_mark: All page are Fully Responsive
:white_check_mark: Easily customizable
:white_check_mark: Pastable in 1 click in any application (existing or not)
:white_check_mark: Beginner friendly

To access it, head over to Nocodable Components !

Landing Pages arrived to 𝗡𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀! :rocket:

Want to redesign your application’s Landing or Home Page?

Now you can do it in a minute with Nocodable Components!

As of today, you have access to 3 pages:

:house: One made for Agency business
:hammer_and_pick: Two made Saas businesses

Others will follow very soon, for several other categories (Marketplace, Social Networks etc…)

Head over to :point_right: Nocodable Components :point_left: to take a look at those new pages !

Hey hey !

We’ve released two new tutorials this week as well as 10 New Components in the library :

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make amazing geometric sectons divider in Bubble like the one below :

In this tutorial, you will learn two ways of creating amazing Carousel in Bubble. The first one is a pretty basic version that do not use any plugin, and the second one is a more versatile version, that uses a free plugin !

Keep building amazing Bubble apps :sunglasses:

Nocodable Components is coming to 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗯𝗲 :movie_camera:!

The first Nocodable tutorial video is now online.

What’s it about? Learning to create Sticky Groups in Bubble in 3 minutes.

The first in a long series of tutorial videos that are fast and straight to the point to help you build better Bubble apps.

:point_right: Click here to see the first video :point_left:

PS: Want more? Then don’t forget to visit and subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss the next ones :sunglasses:

A new video is available on Nocodable Component’s Youtube channel :movie_camera:

In this one, I show you step by step how to remove Scrollbars in Bubble !

Click here to access to video :rocket:

:bell: What’s new on Nocodable Components ? :bell:

Hey hey hey Fellow Bubblers !

I’m happy to announce a bunch of new things that arrived on Nocodable Components !

1 - Apps Layouts are live !

I’ve just released 6 apps layouts that will help you create Fully Functionnal and Responsive Dashboards in just a few minutes.

They come with built-in navigation between tabs, a fully functional Sidebar and a placeholder in which you can add any component you’d like to build your app :sunglasses:

You can take a look and access the live preview of those new layouts just here :point_right: Layouts templates for Bubble

2 - More Landing Pages !

I’ve also added 4 new complete Landing Pages that you can import to your app in just on click :sunglasses:

You can find them and preview them by clicking here :point_right: Landing Pages Templates for Bubble

3 - More components !

As always, I tirelessly keep on adding new components, while trying to make it quite diverse in term of design, so feel free to dig into the library and tell me what you think :sunglasses:

You can browse all the components here, or directly from the extension (you’ll also be able to access the free components :eyes:)

4 - On a side note

You are now more than 600 Users on Nocodable Components, and have copied more than 10.000 Components, that’s crazy :exploding_head:

Thanks to all for your feedback, it’s very precious !

Happy Building,


Hey fellow Bubblers ! Quick post to share some exciting news about Nocodable Components !

Our new pricing is live :moneybag:

The monthly subscription is now available on Nocodable Components!

For €20/month, you now have access to :

:white_check_mark: +230 Ready-made components in your Bubble app.
:white_check_mark: 7 high-quality Landing Pages
:white_check_mark: 6 Saas Dashboard Layouts
:white_check_mark: Your own personal (or shared) library of components
:white_check_mark: Team creation

What’s next?

:point_right: Keep on building the components library. The aim is to create the most complete library for Bubble, while keeping a creative aspect to help diversify app designs.
:point_right: Explore other ways to help developers create better Bubble apps.
:point_right: Continue to publish articles/videos to help beginners.

In short, what’s next looks like fun :sunglasses:

Hey fellow Bubblers :wave:

I’m happy to announce that Parity Pricing is now live on Nocodable Components !

What is Parity Pricing ?

Parity pricing is an efficient way of fighting against inequalities across the world. It’s a way to index prices on the Purchasing Power Parities Index.

Basically, a $20/month subscription is way less affordable for you if you live in India vs in the US.

Implementing a parity pricing is a great way to make Nocodable Components more affordable for people around the world !

How can you get this pricing ?

Simply install Nocodable Component’s extension, and when clicking on “Upgrade” you’ll see a blue banner telling you if you’re eligible to this offer. If you are you can go ahead and use the code generated for you :slight_smile:

Hey everyone !

Quick update to tell you that Nocodable Component’s library just crossed the 300 components available for Bubble :partying_face:

Very happy with this milestone, as it required a lot of work and regularity, but the feedback is excellent, so I’m very happy :sunglasses:

Also very happy with the progress in terms of component quality.

Each component I publish takes me longer than it did at the beginning, but that’s clearly reflected in the perceived quality and creativity. Less is more!

Happy building !


PS: We’ll soon be reaching 1,000 users :saluting_face: