Number of rows in repeating group to reflect number in input textbox

Hey @edb27 :wave:

There is this useful post about what you want to do: Dynamic row addition in Repeating Group and bulk CRUD of Things using vanilla Bubble - #3 by DjackLowCode

But in your case, I may suggest another simpler way. Instead of asking for the number of passengers just like that. Show an Add passenger button. With the button press, add a passenger to the database with empty fields, and let the user fill these and they can add another passenger if they want.

See the demo below:

Simply, the button creates a passenger immediately:

Then, the repeating group shows all the passengers in the system (or in your trip?):

You can disable adding new passenger if the empty one is not filled yet for example:

Here is the editor if you want to see the details: Bubble Demos by Flusk | Bubble Editor

Of course, the empty passenger will remain in the DB if your user closes the page, you can clean the db time to time.

I hope this gives you some idea to start.

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble

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