Official Bubble Crash Course Video Series [New]

Hey Everyone!

We’re excited to announce our first series, the Bubble Crash Course, click here to watch!

The course consists of 10 videos that will get you up to speed with the concepts of Bubble. These videos are meant to help guide beginner users in feeling comfortable with the platform and get them to start building faster.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

More videos to come!


This is great @Jeremy - can you please add it to the new Bubble Academy page? I don’t see it there.

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@Jeremy, these are really quite good. Nice work! This is the sort of quick system overview I really wanted when I first got started with Bubble.

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Thank you! Now that the new site is live there will be many changes coming soon with a focus on this series and its companions :wink:

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Thanks Keith! It’s meant to be that first exposure and I am glad you view it that way too! Will be iterating on it as time goes on :slightly_smiling_face: