Open a popup on another page

Hi guys,
So Im sending my user from Page A to Page B on a Click of a Button…But I want to open a specific popup once he lands at Page B (only the condition is met)

I tried sending more URL parameter, but the URL completely changes once he goes to new page…

Please advice…

Hi Pulkit. Can you share some screenshots of the setup that you have for sending URL parameters?

I’ve written about it here - Easiest way to show a popup on page load in and Filtering a Repeating group's data using URL parameters in

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Every time you navigate them to the new page using the Go to Page action you need to send the URL parameter by checking the box “send current page parameters”

When that is done correctly and the URL parameters are sent properly on the page you want the popup to open use a Conditionally trigger based on the URL parameter value and in that trigger set the action to open the popup.

Hello @m.pulkitmadan ,

It is a free template that I have shared the link to. Individual examples have been prepared for such topics.

You will see a block called send more parameters to the page in the expert tab of the navigation page. It does what you want.

Then by downloading the free template, you can easily understand what you need to do by viewing the sample. There are also a lot of Bubble tips in this template.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for sharing this it worked @sharma.himanshu0608

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Got It. Thank yo so much

Thank you for sharing this Erin…

Really nice and beautiful articles you’ve got there. :clap:

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Glad that you liked them @iwakinomotoye