Open a reusable element from another reusable element


as my app is growing, i some popups who are the same in different pages. So, also following some suggestions read on this blog, i decided to convert those popup into reusable element.

It generally works fine, exept for a case: when i need to open a reusable element from another reusable element.
Simple example: in the reusable 1 i have a button that has to open the reusable element 2. How can i do? i can’t select the reusable element 2 in the workflow section to make it open.
What’s the best way to manage that?

Thank you

You would place the second RE inside a hidden group within the popup. Then show the group on click.

Uhm yes might work, thank you.

To be honest i expected a better process to manage thos situations.

Of course i also considered to insert those reusable element (popups in my case) in the header, and then trgger an action from it. But unfortunately i don’t have the header in everypage, so won’t work.

I was wondering if exist a way to create a custom workflow that i can run in everypage. Something like “show this reusable element”. Does it exist something similar?

Thank you

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