[openBase] Starter Framework Update

With over 5 years of building Bubble apps at Ideable* our agency framework still evolves from project to project. We constantly try to synthesize what we learned into best practices to standardize internal processes that help us build better apps faster.

We just released a new updated version of our openBase Framework for the Bubble Community which we use to work on client projects. openBase is not just a standard template - it contains our development principles built into live-ready workflows. It’s a perfect start for your next app but it’s also great as a learning base if you are looking to become a Bubble pro.

To help you get up to speed on how we work at the Agency, we updated our openBase documentation with the latest changes, so learning the principles of the framework for existing and new Bubble users is clear and straightforward.

openBase is compatible with openBuild. The first UI builder Chrome extension for Bubble with hundreds of drop-in ready UI components and widgets to speed up your design & development efforts!

New Way of Working with CRUDs
We practice what we preach. Advanced use of reusables, taking advantage of option sets for navigation and extensive use of States is the right way to build light & agile apps. Read more in our documentation.

New responsive landing page to showcase your app
First impressions count. Landing page contains our standardized components which you can extend with the openBuild library to create beautiful and engaging marketing pages

New and Fully Responsive Settings Card Reusable Element
A new version of our Settings reusable. We made sure It’s customizable and can be easily adapted to your app needs. This reusable also contains built in credentials update flows and error handling via the free openToast plugin.


Updated Admin Panel

New sections in the admin panel and a table with search functionality.

Beautiful and easy to use advanced emails

A custom HTML template you can populate dynamically through Bubble app so you can connect with any of your chosen email providers. By default, openBase comes with an integrated Sendgrid API. Native support for Postmark and Mailersend to follow soon!



we just published a new version of openBase with some great updates, read more here: [openBase] New Update to the Template - Postmark, Magic Link & Simple Pagination

We have been testing the new responsive editor since early alpha and are building a new template to facilitate the new responsive engine. As there are some bugs with it still, we do not use it yet in production.

Hey can you give us an update in relation to open build and the new responsive editor

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Hi @vincent56 :wave:

Thanks for creating this template…
We want to use this template.
Is it upgraded to new responsive engine ?

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Hey @ZedtronicsAdmin ,

We are currently working hard on openbuild 2.0, our current ETA for launching both template & extension is September!


@mattmazzega Thanks :+1:

Hello there, is there news on this ?