Orchestra Plugin - Removed Items from Repeating Group still trigger

I am using the Orchestra plugin inside a repeating group.

Say I have 10 standard shopping items. This week, I decide I only need eight items from the list.

I remove the two items from the repeating group. When I click the action to trigger the musicians, the ten items still get pushed through.

If you inspect the elements, you can see the removed line items are still there but invisible.

I tried resetting the repeating group, resetting inputs, and reinitializing musicians, but to no avail. The only way to clear it is to refresh the page.

Any ideas? @ZeroqodeSupport

Hey Jeff :slight_smile:

Have you tried adding a condition to the musicians workflow so it only runs if “this musician is visible”?

I’m also curious how you’re updating the RG data source when you remove the items and what kind of resetting you’re doing every time you click the action to trigger. It’s possible you may have conflicts from previous runs before you removed items?

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You got it. I missed that one.

I added the “this musician is visible”? condition and it worked.

Thanks Gaby…

I am pulling the RG data from a State. When I remove the data, it updates the state.