Hi ! My question is how to approach the Repeating Group sorting or search but according to a type that is nested inside the RG Data.
For example:
I have the data type Booking defined with the following types
Check-in: date
Check-Out: date
User: User
Room: Room
Now what I need to do is to sort the RG “Bookings” but according to the type “RoomNr” which is inside Room, or according to the “User-Name” which is a type inside User.
Any ideas ?
Many thanks
I think the easiest way is that writing room number to booking.
Check-in: date
Check-Out: date
User: User
Room: Room
roomnumber: number
Writing the same data twice is not the best idea but sometimes we need this kind of alternative ways.
Hey @tunacardak ! Thanks for your comments. I also evaluated that possibility, and even though it could be a good alternative for some Data Types, there are others that are more likely to be modified in time and that could be messy.
I also evaluated to have different RG one with Booking, other with User and show/hide them according to the filter applied. But even this alternative still sounds too messy . . . .