Output RG element in PDF

As shown in the image, currently displaying four groups by placing repeating groups in the popup.
The size of each group is A4 size (landscape orientation).

If press the print button,
I want to output four groups to one PDF.

Is there a plugin (free) that can do this kind of processing?
Also, how do you configure it?
I can only set an ID for each group and convert only each group to PDF.

Assigning an ID to the repeating group with a free pdf generator plugin works. See the example below:

Repeating group has an ID:

HTML to PDF (this plugin) has an element in the page as well:

And the button just calls the action of the element:

Here is how it runs:

Of course, you need to play with the design to make it fit better. But it looks like working.

Here is the editor:

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Thank you for your reply.

I was able to output Groups to PDF using the method you shared.

Thank you very much for sharing your editor.

You have helped me before.
You are my mentor at bubble.io.

We look forward to your continued support.

Very very Thankyou.