Is there a way to make an action or a workflow during the loading’s page?
Something like page loading as the workflow page loaded,
If you make workflow that use only when page loaded, located in bottom
Only when : Page Loaded is “no”
I tried with your solution but I didnt find my way, maybe my case needs something different or I didn’t the right things.
Like when I add a data that takes 1 or 2 sec, the bar on the top is moving, that is exactly what i need to detect to make an action like showing a popup for example
Hi there, @anas001122… there was an interesting thread (well, interesting to me at least) on this topic earlier today, and I am wondering if this post (and the posts that follow it) in that thread might be able to help you out…
Can’t hurt to take a look, eh?
Thank you @mikeloc for the help, of course I will take a look and let you know. And maybe bring back the solution here
Hello @mikeloc , I tried with page loaded and still at the same point.
I am sure there something to detect when a page is thinking (data creating or other action hapening…)
Maybe there is a idea for my needs that I can’t see
Thanks for help
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