Password - Strength function

Good evening everyone,

I am coming to you regarding a problem with the native “Strength password” function.

I use it to modify the color of 3 groups:

Everything is fine if my conditions for registering the new password are correct.

However, if the user is redirected to an error (Closing the popup, alert message), when I return to the popup: Strength keeps its numbers in memory (Despite the Reset group/popup) until I retype a few things in the input.

I tried with a condition such as: Input is empty: element not visible. But for 1-2 seconds I see the three groups in color before the reset and the correct state.

View the photo.

A solution to reset Strength via workflow without page reloading?

sorry for my English

Thanks for your help

Good evening to all

Hi! You can put a condition on the colours indicating the strength of the password to not be visible if the input is empty. That way they will disappear the moment the input field is empty


Perfect. I was thinking of more difficult things.

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by imposing with “Visible” on the parent group, this caused me a problem of one second for updating the Force value (which is still worth 80) while the field is empty.

I actually placed it on the group in question, and everything is correct.


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Awesome, glad I was able to help :slight_smile:

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