Planned maintenance on Wed March 31 at 7 PM ET / 11 PM UTC

Hi all,

We are going to temporarily disable editing applications (including using the editor, deploying, creating or copying apps, modifying subscriptions, and changing permissions) a week from today in order to perform a necessary database migration to enable us to continue scaling our systems. We expect this to last 30 minutes to an hour. We will disable editing shortly after 7 PM ET / 11 PM UTC, and re-enable it as soon as it is safe to do so. Applications should be able to run normally while this is going on, although there’s a small chance of a brief performance degradation during the switchover.

We’ll post updates on our status page at the beginning and end of the maintenance. We recommend not using the editor while this is going on. If you attempt to edit an app during this window, you’ll see an error message informing you about the maintenance, and instructing you to keep the editor tab open until the maintenance is over to avoid losing any unsaved work.

Users on dedicated clusters will be able to edit and deploy apps during this window, but they will not be able to create new apps, subscribe or unsubscribe to plugins, or adjust app permissions.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We normally try to perform system upgrades without user-visible impact, but in this case, this a fairly urgent upgrade and attempting to do it without temporarily disabling editing would add substantial risk and time to the operation. We appreciate your understanding!




Reminder that this is tomorrow


@josh Reminder that you broke it.