Hi everyone,
I was checking once again bubble.io plans, and in the professional plan it mentions that the storage for files will be 20 GB, I have done a rough estimation of what the users and our team will upload to the app we found out that when we hit 400 users we will be screwed
So what would you guys recommend?
and is wasabi plugin is the best solution there is performance and money wise?
Enable AWS S3 - there is a plugin for it by Zeroqode.
Thanks for the reply, but can you give more details ? what will happen when I do that? and how this compares to wasabi when it comes to money, performance and integration?
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have yoi heard of @shpak.serhiy recommended solution? have you tried it before ?
Wasabi seems cheaper. I used AWS S3 - it works fine.
If you need to implement secure file preview in the app - Box.com is great for this.
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Thanks for the repley, for my app all pictures, that will uploaded by the users are public, so for now for me to give them the freedom to upload their work, I need higher storage, reliable, fast, and for me it should be cheap, and fast to integrate coz I need to launch soon
I have experimented with the AWS S3 plugin by Zeroqode, but right now there’s a limitation where you can’t upload to a specific file path inside your S3 Bucket (Bucket meaning your cloud hard drive essentially) When you upload a file through their uploader element it basically can only go to [folder]/filename. If that doesn’t effect you it might work.
Right now I’m experimenting with the Wasabi plugin by Appkit (bought by Zeroqode now) and it’s behaving much better once you basically reverse engineer their example of the plugin in their editor. The wasabi plugin was also super easy to set up, on AWS there were tons of roles to set up and policy rules. On Wasabi you just create the bucket, make a key and paste it in your editor.
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Awsome ! thanks for this reply, wasabi it is then 
How’s it going with Wasabi? We’ve run into issues because they advertise “no egress fees,” but in reality they are built for storing not serving files, so they have a 1:1 ratio of storage to data served limit. For example, if you store 1TB of data, you have a 1TB limit for serving. For any apps that rely on users uploading files for others to see (e.g., social media, e-commerce, etc.), Wasabi apparently is a horrible solution.
I’m still looking for something that will work with Bubble and has a reasonable cost, and by “reasonable” I mean less than 10X what S3 charges. Bubble’s storage is like 50x what S3 charges.
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Yea to me its insanity that they are charging this much for storage. In 2022 there’s a very good chance an app has some sort of video/photo upload functionality and the Bubble plans are a fraction of storage of a micro SD card on Amazon
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Also yes can confirm the same thing. Talked to my Wasabi sales person and he said your monthly serving is the same of your total storage.
Thank god my situation is mostly storing and not serving but everyone should know this.
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Exactly right! I didn’t know this when I signed up for Wasabi. Apparently they’re great for storage, but I confirmed with their support that even if you are paying for 10TB, if you are only currently storing 10GB, your allowed egress limit (e.g., in the case of images, total data of images delivered/displayed to users) is only 10GB. “Active Storage” for Wasabi is defined by what is stored in your account currently, and egress can only be as high as your active storage.
They said most clients use a CDN to deliver assets/files, so we’re setting up Bunny CDN and just dynamically changing the URLs for images to the Bunny CDN URL instead of Wasabi’s file URL using “find & replace” in Bubble. It works when a page initially loads, but we just set this up and haven’t yet figured out how to get it to show images that were uploaded since the last time the page completely loaded (e.g., via an uploader).