[Plugin Update 11 Mar 2020] Google Maps (bdk)

Just to share some insights, our app actually just loads 1000+ locations on the map. As we provide business locations for our users, our list of locations will continue to grow.

And as mentioned the delay is on the 1st load, after which it is quite simple to load the data. And we don’t show all 1000 as the map zooms to the user’s specific location. We would prefer to only show as many locations as necessary but that’s the limitation we face right now which is how do we limit the list of locations and still load more when required. Any guidance there would be great.

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have you considered getting the users coordinates and finding only those places within the users radius? (probably easier said than donee with bubble but is super easy when using firestore as it has built in geoqueires)

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that’s a good idea - I’m kind of ill versed in optimally using firestore with bubble. if you have more experience in it id love to discuss it with you and learn how that can be done.

I would like to shed a bit of light here. my app is something like an uber clone. but the difference is that it shows taxi services in the user current area. So when searching for nearby cars, it only shows cars from like 2-4 taxi services, thats usually less than 300 markers.

But the trick is that I created a thing called Regions. Regions have a Name, ID# and a list of Vendors (taxi services) that are operated in that region.

So when a user opens the app a JavaScript calc the current region and set a custom state
On BDK maps the marker thing is called Drivers. I do search for Drivers and restrain it by: Taxi Service, Online, Activated Account, etc.

So what im thinking you create a GeoJson that highlights each service area.
When the user clicks on that service area (just get that area Lat & LOn to calc the service area) the map zooms to that area and shows all markers for that area (you can also make the selected region transparent, but of course that will be a lot of work for creating the GeoJson and adding the conditionals to BDK Maps).

Its what i did, added the regions little by little. You can avoid my mistakes by addind the geoJson data to the Thing Region as text as toolBox plugin accepts dynamic data
Tip: to save Bubble Server Units i do the calculations for the Regions using JS Check “Point in Polygon” equation

Can you have markers that have a number displaying in them from the database?

@gaurav Great plugin, i am loving the new features.

Is it possible to change location selection from thing “Geographic Address” to a latitude and longitude field instead?

Google’s prices are too much. I need to convert the lat & lon of more than 100 user every 30sec for about 8hrs a day (abt 96,000 requests a day)
My use case is to display thing “Drivers” on the map. But with how the plugin is now it only uses “Geographic Address” for location. Whereas GPS lat & lon are free.

Or if you know of any way to create a “Geographic Address” without the Google Geocode api call?

It seems like the map isen’t Handeling 2 markers on one spot , if that happens it just remains on (2) and wont expand to show these two markers. How can that be managed? Could you maybe make a patch in which it is handled and shows both side by side?


Is there any update on this? We would like our users to be able to toggle the styles, specifically light mode and dark mode. I attempted to change the options with Javascript.

Hi - I used a blue PNG as default marker and im using Snazzy. It always goes back to a red standard marker and is not using my blue one? Is that maybe Snazzy? Is Snazzy overruling the blueMarker ?


When you click on a Marker it zooms to that one. Can you setup the zoom level. Say goes to zoom level 3 or so?


This looks like a helpful Map Plugin. Thank you for creating it.
Having bought it I’m basically straight into a dead-end and I’m thinking I’ve missed something.
I have a Repeating Group in which a user can select Contacts who are stored in a Custom State that is then called on to show those Contacts’ locations on a map. That works. I then want a user to be able to select or hover a map marker and see, presumably, the “Info Window HTML” value appear to give them information about which user’s marker they’re viewing.
My issue is that my Marker Type is “Geographic Address” and as soon as that’s selected, all options for displaying helpful information are then hidden. Is there a way of displaying a label on a map marker for a Geographic Address?

@gaurav I am running into another issue where Bubble is throwing error in the editor saying “Bubble Map element is not an option”.

Here’s the screenshot. I had faced this earlier too. At that time I just deleted that map object, added a fresh one and redid everything. Now I came to make some edits and getting this again.

It is really cumbersome to have to recreate element again and again.

You can see from the screenshot that the element that Bubble is complaining about is very much there. In fact it is the selected one and it is also showing in element tree!

Hi @gaurav is there anyway to restrict the size of the marker icon image? The issue I am facing is that the image is far too big to use a marker since the user dynamically uploads the image. Would be great if you can add this in.

Hi @gaurav Amazing Plugin! Would it be possible with the plugin to make markers that show for example the number of people who are present? So imagine you have a restaurant and the marker is the. number of people in the restaurant? Thanks. already!

Hi @gaurav, is it in your plugin roadmap a feature that returns coordinates on clicking the map ? I think this is one of the most wanted feature (at least from other Bubblers I know) but after so many years it is not available. Many users, especially on mobile, just want to click or tap on the map and from there get the results every app is intended for.

Hi @gaurav ! great plugin!

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I’ve been using this plugin for a while but have never seen this error message.
It’s happening every time now on a new feature I added my site, and is breaking the user experience. Can you tell why this error is occurring?

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I am also experiencing this issue.

Hi @gaurav, great plugin. I have been using it for a couple of months now (about as long as I’ve been using bubble so excuse my novice questions).
Is there a way to restrict the zoom in and zoom out levels? I want users to be able to zoom, but not too far in or out.


@akiempaul Can I ask if you found a way to do this? I am actually only dealing with a small number of static markers that I want to display, but more precisely than searched addresses seem to do. If this plugin can’t achieve it, is there a workaround that you are aware of? Thanks, Rob