[Plugin Update: 2021] TechBlocks Charts and Graphs (Chart.js)

Hi Alex, was wondering if you had a chance to look at this as this seems to be an ongoing issue with a number of charts.

Ahhh I found the issue with the colours/series! - The plug-in is currently struggling to pick up default/saved colours. It works absolutely perfectly when selecting a colour that is not pre-saved but for some reason hiccups when selecting a colour from the saved colour palette!


Estou com um problema quando o valor dinâmico de uma parte do filtro é zerado.
Exemplo não prático: tenhos um dado mensal de janeiro à dezembro, mas abril foi zerado. Ele não pula o referido mês e trás os próximos dados uma casa atrás.

Exemplo prático:

Neste gráfico, o eixo ‘X’ são as etapas de negociação da lead. Há outro dado por lead que é o Status (em andamento, vendida, perdida). E nas ‘Séries’ de 2 a 4 estou puxando elas. Na 2 dá certo pois das Leads em andamento, tem em todas as etapas. Já na 3 ou 4 dá erro. Pois só tem leads em 1 das etapas, e está agrupada errada. A ‘Vendidas’, que neste caso é 3, deveria estar na posição de ‘Fechamento’ do eixo X. Mas foi trazida para a primeira posição do eixo.
Vou colocar abaixo como está no Bubble.

Tem algum problema nas ações no bubble ou alguma melhoria a ser feita no plugin?

Olá. E quando o agrupamento não é por data, mas por um campo Option Sets no Iten do DB? Fiz o exemplo no link de outro post do fórum :point_right: [Plugin Update: 2021] TechBlocks Charts and Graphs (Chart.js) - #680 by cotadorsimplificado

@cotadorsimplificado eu nao falo portugues muito bem, voce fala ingles?

@a.alighanbari apologies for the slower reply here, I haven’t been receiving notifications responses on this post for some reason. Great to hear you figured out the color issue–I’m currently working with the Bubble support team to fix this issue to allow using Color Variables with the plugin

@alex4 I am using C&G for making dynamic line charts. Is it possible to make axis choice (A/B) dynamic? Right now that field can’t take dynamic data. Also if we can allow more than 2 axis on either left/right side :slight_smile:

Thank you for developing this

Hi team,

Is it possible for the plugin to support more than 5 chart colors. I have a donut chart with 8 values which I would like to have a different color for each value. However, right now, I can only select 5 colors, so the same colors repeat for the other 3 values which is misleading.

Thank you for your help in advance!

Never done this grouping by option set but you might try to group by month first with the “don’t skip” option turned on and then add another grouping by the option set. Haven’t tried this but you could test it out.

Hey Alex, small issue with the mixed charts… I’ve created a chart with two separate y-axes ‘A’ and ‘B’. For the data labels, the unit after the ‘A’ label seems to be working fine but the unit after ‘B’ does not seem to show, instead we have the same unit as A. Could you please take a look. Thanks.

Just wanted to give some props to your consistent responses to the community. Really impressive to see a thread this long. muy buen trabajo!

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Any plans to add drop shadow and/or gradient to stacked bar charts?

Hi @alex4. I see there was some discussion back in October/November 2022 about issues with labels for negative values on Bar charts. I’ve run into this issue myself today and despite updating to the latest version of the plugin (4.38.79 for the old responsive engine), I’m getting some very weird results for labels of negative values that have decimal points. I’ve tried to figure out the cause but I’m at a loss so I’m hoping you can take a look to see if you can reproduce this and ideally create a patch?

Steps to reproduce: create a bar chart with just one series with a mix of positive, empty, and negative values. Whole negative numbers seem to display without issue, but any negative values with decimals (in my example I have some values with 2 decimal places) are reporting incorrectly.

Example: chart of investment performance over various time periods
1 Year: -11.16
3 Years: -4
5 Years: 6.25
10 Years: empty
Since Inception: -2.85

As you can see from the below screenshot, the “1 Year” and “Since Inception” labels are reporting inaccurate values:

The screenshot also shows my data table above the graph which pulls its information from the exact same place as the chart. The negative values in the data table are reported properly. I would also like to highlight that the actual bars drawn in the chart seem to be pulling the correct values, it is just the labels that are being calculated incorrectly if there are decimal places in the source data.

Here is another screenshot showing the hover tooltip for the “1 Year” bar, confirming that the correct value (-11.16) is being fed into the chart but not the label:

I was hoping to send out annual reports to my clients today so I really would appreciate it if you can take a look at this with high priority. In the meantime, I guess I can just disable labels on this chart, but it is not my preferred approach.

Thank you as always for your help!

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Hey folks, for some reason, I’m no longer consistently getting notifications on this thread. Please use this thread from now on: [Plugin update 2023] ChartJS - Charts and Graphs (TechBlocks)

I’ll reply to your requests there!