Hi @arend thanks for the nice words about the plugin!
I’m not able to reproduce the issue you’re seeing. Are you using a Bar/Line chart or Mixed Chart?
Alex, How do I change the scale of a line chart? Instead of the y-axis varying from 10 to 10 thousand, I would like it to vary from 20 to 20 thousand.
Hi there @windissonlimacard ! You can do so by changing the Y Axis Min and Max values:
Let me know if you have any follow up questions!
Hey @jacopo1!
I understand how to do the second part (maybe), i use the List-calculator Basic element to create a cumulative sum of each, and then i can use it again to add up the values.
Yep, that’s right on!
What i miss is spreading out the values day by day so when i add up the revenue and costs lists, the values match the exact day and the final result is single daily values of the sum per day (cumulative revenue minus cumulative costs of previous days). I hope i explained myself sufficiently well for someone to understand and help.
Hmm, are there the same number of items in the revenue and cost lists? If not, you probably have some empty values for revenues and/or costs on certain dates. You can use the List Calculator - Advanced element that comes with the plugin so that you can extract those revenues and costs from a repeatinggroup (with zeros replacing empty values). Let me know if I misunderstood your question!