Populating RepeatingGroup from Json

Hi, just starting out with Bubble and would appreciate some guidance.

I am calling an API that returns a JSON structure of file names of the form

[“c.csv” ],

How can these strings be displayed, one per line, in a RepeatingGroup? The API call works fine but in the RepeatingGroup object, setting ‘Type of content’ to ‘text’ never displays anything in the control, and nor does setting it to ‘file_type’. Have searched the forums but no relevant examples turned up.

Thanks - Andrew.

Can you provide the whole payload and also how did you set API connector ?

Returned values as follows:

Connector set as follows:

Can you send a screenshot of the result you have when you initialize in the API connector?

Sure, here it is

Here is how the API connector is set:

It’s not displaying because the API call returns files and you’re displaying it as type text, if you want to maintain the text field then your RG should be displaying the url, otherwise your field type should be changed to “file”

Thank you! The returned fields happen to be file names, but I would like the interface to work with vanilla text strings too.

Also, changing the data type to ‘Field’ in the API connector gives an error.

Could it be Bubble has problems handling JSON arrays of the form shown?

if you don’t mind, maybe we should have a 15min call, I can explain better. you send me the link I’ll join

Thanks very much, that’s extremely kind of you! I’m in Brisbane, what is a good time to call? Best wishes, Andrew Colin.

Issue is fixed! Many thanks Sadiq for your help. Have a great weekend.

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