Preview Page Won't Load

Hey guys,

I have a page that includes many text elements. When I “Preview” the page, nothing loads.

However, when I remove the last 10 text elements or so on the page, it loads fine. What’s particularly strange is that it only loads if I remove the bottom 10 text elements, not if I remove the top 10 text elements. Did I find a bug of some sort?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

Can you share a link that has the issue?

Hi Emmanuel,

Here’s the page:

Thanks for any help!

Should be fine now.

Curious: where did you get the text from? Copy pasted from where? What happened is that a non authorized character was in the text “Location Information via Mobile Device”, which was breaking the page (nothing to do with the number of elements). The character was a line break (so nothing very visible). It’d be great if I could reproduce the issue here to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Great, thank you! It was grabbed from couch surfer’s privacy policy.

I seem to be having Preview Page issues as well for one of my apps.

Apparently I tried to make it a private app but then changed it back and that’s when the issue started.

Now the app link still exists but it doesn’t seem to be connected to the app editor anymore

here’s the link below: