Problem with Reusable element

Hi! I have a reusable element, a floating group, as a menu on my page, but its interfering with underlying objects. It was working just fine but now its not. I tried deleting several groups inside. And all the groups are collapsing when hidden. Don’t know what else to do. Please help

Can you open your app for viewing? It’s hard to help without seeing what’s actually going on.


Hi @Nocodify Sure this is the link to the editor of the page having issues
As you can see the reusable element causing the problem is called Header Mobile

Im thinking this could be a bug. I mean, I had to create a menu on one page because a reusable element, set as floating group) kept interfering with underlying objects. And I probably will have to do this again :confused:

For some reason, I can’t preview your app :frowning:

What do you mean interfering with underlying objects?

Wow man. Thats a bummer. I mean Object in the page where the reusable object is placed. As the element is displaying over the page, it block the elements on the page. So I can’t click visible elements placed under the reusable floating group

Yes, because floating groups can float above or below elements. Check the floating group settings and change it to float under elements.

Nah bro. That didn’t work either.The objects are now clickable but the floating group would dissapear when I scroll under the objects on the page. And the reusable element is working as a main menu.

I’m not sure if there’s a fix for your use-case.

You can’t have a group on-top of another, and be able to click through that group onto the underlying elements.

Btw, I change privacy to everyone can edit. But please let me know if you need to move something around.

Well, I have achieved that before. Just by collapsing the height of the element over within the reusable element floating on the page

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did any solution work with you?

Try right clicking the group you want on top and click. Bring to front. Do this on the actual page itself not in the ‘reusable element’

not working

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hey! No. What I did to work it around was to use pop ups and groups on the page. The floating groups usually “cover” the elements on the page.

Oh okay. I really need to work with floating groups or focus groups because I need them in the header. When someone clicks on an element in the header, the floating group or a focus group shows up containing a list.
Thanks anyways!

I understand. I also use lists on repeating groups withing pop ups, but floating group behave better. Were you able to use floating groups without interfering with the underlying elements?

No I used focus groups and they are not causing problems