Pros and cons of consuming APIs through RapidAPI


This is a thread created to compare consuming APIs through vs connecting to the APIs directly.

If you have used it, please share some pros/cons. Which option is better in your opinion? Why?



As someone who has to do graphic design in his day job, i really like the pretty colours. As someone who is trying to learn more about APIs I don’t understand what I’m looking at.

Can a kind soul explain what that all means?

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He’s saying the more things you require for a functioning system, the more failure points you have.


Is this specific to using RapidAPI or the API Connector?

Whatever the eff RapidAPI is, it’s just extra cruft is the point, @ihsanzainal84.


Ahh i get it now! Thanks fellas!

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I think their value prop for developers is to unify APIs so that there is less overhead in learning a new API, rest vs graphql, managing keys, etc. I think the value prop is greater for companies that build a business based off of APIs, as they provide a marketplace for APIs to get discovered.

Respectfully to the earlier post re failure points, it is very very very unlikely that Rapidapi’s downtime will be in the top 100 concerns that a small scale developer would (or should) have.

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Until it happens.