Public end point api doesn't return json

I used to use bubble api for access bubble internal db.

and there are data api root url for showing api return as a json.

but today it won’t show up.

it return only this json

{“message”:“Not found”}

i didn’t change anything… it happens today. does anyone knows reason??

In the API tab for your app did you enable Data API for that specific datatype? And you’re not accidently cross referencing like trying to get something from live from the dev version?

yes i enable datatype and i used to use api it.
and i never api connect dev to live version.

please see if i did wrong. thank you sir.

Yea I mean that screenshot looks fine… how about your API Connector setup? And the actual action making the API call? Nothing changed recently? Did you edit the datatype name recently so it can’t find that key name?

ah yes, i changed name it once. but i change back again.
before i call data api root url with /obj they return json information about api,
it won’t return now. i don’t know why…

i actually need swagger documentation. but it seems have a problem. i asked my friend he has same. is it version up isseus?

:thinking: If you want to check your swagger documentation, it’s [yourdomain]/version-test/api/1.1/meta/swagger.json (or remove the version-test/ for the live version)

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Also when you make changes to your datatype name or change any of those settings in the API settings you have to deploy to live for them to actually take effect for your live app

omg yes, that is what i want to see. it’s still working i remember that i use it as /obj .
somehow i need to put it with /meta/swagger.json. not /obj

i can work with json thank you.

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