Hello there,
I have built a PWA app at https://deed.so/ which is live in production & getting a lot of users. The problem is that have an app-download page that is set to open on device detection as desktop and while i need the same app-download page to open on mobile devices in browser, when i setup a workflow on page load, it opens app-download not only when mobile browser is opened, but also when PWA app is installed and opened for the first time.
I am able to identify standalone mode using JS script run on page load and save it i a custom state (yes/no) using a JS event. The problem is that when i put this JS bubble element value as a conditional check (yes for standalone status) on page load, it doesn’t work and still shows the app-download page within the PWA app.
The product is live on https://deed.so/, guys feel free to check and help if possible as i don’t want users to see the app-download page again when opening the PWA app. Oh! and since it detects standalone mode on page load, if the PWA app is reloaded , the problem is solved, but asking users to close and open the app just after download is poor user experience, so not doing that!