My site is using a vimeo plugin that uploads a video from our bubble storage.
- User uploads a video (using file uploader) to our bubble storage.
- User confirms the video is correct and clicks save
- Once “Save” is clicked, our vimeo plugin tells our vimeo account to upload the video from the bubble url and the video begins uploading.
- The final workflow is for bubble to delete the “file” that was uploaded in step one (so that we do not end up with a 500 GB of storage used after one weekend)
The problem we are having is that users with poor internet or memory are having the “upload to vimeo from bubble’s url” interrupted before the video fully syncs into our vimeo library. Thus, the video is unplayable AND the backup/original is already deleted from our bubble storage.
I was hoping I could easily create a recurring workflow to run once every few days to go and delete a list of files; however, it appears bubble only allows for a single file to be deleted at a time. Annoying.
My question is if instead of “delete the file from Result of step 1” as my last workflow action, what if I created a backend workflow that deletes a file after 48 hours and assign it as the last workflow item. That way the user’s internet is less likely to prevent a full upload to our vimeo library?
It would end up being 1500-3000 workflows every few days. Would this kill our workload units?