Hi, Can somebody help me with how to randomize repeating groups with a four-column quiz multiple options excel database upload (Cloumn 1 real answer and the other 3 columns are dummy answers -ex 60 rows by 4 columns) so that when I uploaded the Excel and make a workflow with repeating groups the multiple answers in the columns are not getting inter-switched? Currently, when I do this the answer always comes in the same repeating group and therefore the answer is predictable and not a quizz. Below is a picture I always get the answer in the fourth repeating group for all the quiz questions
Hi @juanraunakbc,
You should be able to randomize the order of answers using the option ‘Random sorting’ in the settting for the data source of the repeating group:
Hope this helps,
MVP Design
I think to get true randomisation you’ll need to use a plugin, there’s a very good one that works well called “random order of a list” by blur apps.
Hi @gerbertdelangen thanks for the response my bad but I wanted to know how can I randomize elements within a singular group keeping the first element constant while the other 4 are randomized
Hi @juanraunakbc ,
That is possible, what you can do is add two groups to the repeating group ‘cell’:
- 1 to show the quiz information, this group is hidden by default and only shown when current cell index is 1
- 1 to show the answer.
The group to show the quiz information, hidden by default, collapse when hidden and only shown when current cells index is 1 (top row):
A group to show the answer:
That should do it, let me know if you run into any troubles.
Hey @gerbertdelangen Thanks for the response, I tried your recommendation but it does not seem to work, I am attaching screenshots of what I have done.
Hey @juanraunakbc, that is weird, only thing that I can think of is that the group that says 'Parent groupss Quiz Quiz is not in the repeating group, is that possible?
Hi @gerbertdelangen it is in the repeating group. Not sure where and what i am missing its a very key journey path