Real-time collaborative text editor

Hey, does anyone know what would be the right approach to creating a collaborative text editor like google docs or etherpad?

What I came up with is I made a rich text editor create a new document every time its content is edited and its initial content is set to the last document created value. However, while it does display changes for multiple users at the same time, I don’t think it’s the most optimal solution. When both users try to edit text at the same time, it becomes a mess. I thought of making the rich text editor widget lock out for other users when one is in focus with the text editor, so I tried setting a conditional “when this richTextInput’s field is focused then this input is disabled” but obviously it disables the input for everyone making the text editor pretty much unclickable lol. I’d very much appreciate any ideas :pray:

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Hi there! You can use the Auto-Binding function, altough it might consume a good amount of WU, depending on how many changes you’ll make.

With Auto-Binding, each time you change the input value it’ll automatically update on the database (If i remember correctly, when you click outside, press enter or wait some time without typing). Just remember you’ve to set the privacy rules that’ll allow the user to use Auto-binding.
Captura de tela 2023-12-29 151245

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