【Reference日本語化】Stripe - ver.1.0


The Stripe Plugin charges credit cards and handles subscriptions for users. Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is supported and can be enabled from the plugin menu by selecting “Checkout v3” in the dropdown. See Stripe’s documentation for more information.
Stripeプラグインは、クレジットカードへの課金やユーザーのサブスクリプションの処理を行います。強力な顧客認証(SCA)がサポートされており、プラグインメニューからドロップダウンで「Checkout v3」を選択することで有効にすることができます。詳細はStripeのドキュメントを参照してください。

◆Charge the current user(現在のユーザー(Current User)に課金する)
This action charges the current user and prompts them to enter their credit card information. The response from Stripe, e.g., the Stripe charge ID, amount, confirmation, etc., can be accessed in the subsequent actions as ‘Result of previous step.’ In a failed transaction, the workflow will stop running. See Stripe’s documentation for more details.
このアクションでは、現在のユーザー(Current User)に課金を行い、クレジットカード情報の入力を促します。Stripeからの応答、例えば、StripeのチャージID(the Stripe charge ID)、金額(amount)、確認(confirmation)などは、その後のアクションで「前のステップの結果(Result of previous step)」としてアクセスすることができます。失敗したトランザクションでは、ワークフローの実行が停止します。詳細はStripeのドキュメントを参照してください。(https://stripe.com/docs/api#charge_object)

Payer email (決済者のメールアドレス)
Define the email of the user to charge. Often, it will be ‘Current user’s email.’
課金するユーザーのメールアドレスを定義します。多くの場合、'現在のユーザーのメールアドレス(Current user’s email)’になります。

Amount (金額)
Enter the amount to be charged. It can be dynamic using the ‘Insert dynamic data’ button.
請求する金額を入力します。動的データの挿入(Insert dynamic data)を使用して動的に入力することができます。

Name (商品名)
Enter the product name that will appear in the checkout flow and in the email users receive from Stripe.

Description (商品の説明)
Enter the description that will appear in the checkout flow and in the email users receive from Stripe.

Image (イメージ)
The image that will appear in the checkout flow.

Currency (通貨)
Enter the currency of the transaction. If the currency is not in the list you can type it.

Button caption (ボタンのキャプション)
This is the caption for the button on the Stripe Checkout form. The amount will be added to the caption in Live mode.

Statement descriptor (ステートメント記述子)
Optional, use this to change how this payment will show up on the customer’s statement. What you enter will be appended to the "shortened descriptor set in your Stripe account, in the manner of "YOUR-APPDESCRIPTOR". This overall string has a character limit of 21; anything past that will be truncated. In Stripe’s v3 checkout, this field will comprise the entirety of the statement descriptor.
オプションで、この支払いが顧客の明細書にどのように表示されるかを変更するために使用します。あなたが入力したものは、"あなたのStripeアカウントに設定された短縮記述子 "に追加され、"YOUR-APP
DESCRIPTOR "のようになります。この全体的な文字列には21文字の制限があり、それを超えるものは切り捨てられます。Stripeのv3チェックアウトでは、このフィールドはステートメント記述子の全体を構成します。

Authorize the charge only (チャージのみを許可する)
This determines whether to immediately capture the charge. When checked, the charge issues an authorization and will need to be captured later. Uncaptured charges expire in 7 days. You can then capture the charge in your Stripe dashboard.

The payee of this transaction is another user (このトランザクションの受取人は別のユーザーです。)
When setting up a marketplace, check this box so payment will go to another user instead of your own Stripe account. For this to work, you must build a flow where users can register as a seller, connecting their Stripe account to get paid.

Transaction payee (トランザクションの受取人)
In the case of a marketplace, define who gets the payment. This is likely the ‘Current list thing’s creator.’ This user must register as a seller for the transaction to process.

App fee (アプリ料金)
You can charge a fee on transactions, but it must a currency amount and not a percentage.You can, however, compute the value in the field using the Composer.

Do not show success message (成功メッセージを表示しない)
By default, Bubble displays an alert informing the user when the action is successful. Deactivate this behavior by deselecting this box if you want to display a custom message instead of the default Bubble message.

◆Collect the user’s CC information(ユーザーのCC情報を収集)
This action prompts the user to enter their credit card information without actually charging the card. Use this to delay the payment, for instance, if you are building a crowdfunding-based system. If the user fails to enter their card information, the workflow will stop running.

Update existing main card (既存のメインカードを更新する)
If you check this box, the current user’s card, if any, will be updated. If the box is not check, a new card will be added to the user.

Do not show success message (成功メッセージを表示しない)
By default, Bubble displays an alert informing the user when the action is successful. Deactivate this behavior by deselecting this box if you want to display a custom message instead of the default Bubble message.

◆Charge a user using saved CC(保存した CC を使ってユーザーにチャージ)
This action charges a user who has already entered their credit card information. It does not have to be the current user in this case. If no credit card information is available, the action will fail. The response from Stripe, e.g., the Stripe charge ID, amount, confirmation, etc., can be accessed in the subsequent actions as ‘Result of previous step.’ In a failed transaction, the workflow will stop running.
このアクションは、すでにクレジットカード情報を入力したユーザーに課金します。この場合、現在のユーザーである必要はありません。クレジットカード情報がない場合、アクションは失敗します。 Stripe からの応答、例えば、 Stripe のチャージ ID( Stripe charge ID ) 、金額(amount)、確認(confirmation)などは、その後のアクションで「前のステップの結果(Result of previous step)」としてアクセスすることができます。失敗したトランザクションでは、ワークフローの実行が停止します。

Charged user (チャージされたユーザー)
Define the user to charge. This user must be signed up already because we need to have their saved credit card information. The user does not need to be logged in for the transaction to happen.

Amount (金額)
Enter the amount to charge. It can be dynamic using the ‘Insert dynamic data’ button.

Currency (通貨)
Enter the currency of the transaction. If the currency is not in the list you can type it.

Name (通貨名)
Enter the product name that will appear in the checkout flow and in the email users receive from Stripe.
チェックアウトフローやユーザーが Stripe から受け取るメールに表示される商品名を入力します。

Description (商品の説明)
Enter the description that will appear in the checkout flow and in the email users receive from Stripe.
チェックアウトフローやユーザーが Stripe から受け取るメールに表示される説明文を入力します。

Image (イメージ)
The image that will appear in the checkout flow.

The payee of this transaction is another user (このトランザクションの受取人は別のユーザー)
When setting up a marketplace, check this box so payment will go to another user instead of your own Stripe account. For this to work, you must build a flow where users can register as a seller, connecting their Stripe account to get paid.
マーケットプレイスを設定する際に、このボックスにチェックを入れておくと、支払いが自分の Stripe アカウントではなく、別のユーザーに行くようになります。これを機能させるためには、ユーザーが売り手として登録し、 Stripe アカウントを接続して支払いを受けるフローを構築する必要があります。

Transaction payee (トランザクションの受取人)
In the case of a marketplace, define who gets the payment. This is likely the ‘Current list thing’s creator.’ This user must register as a seller for the transaction to process.
マーケットプレイスの場合、誰が支払いを受けるかを定義します。これはおそらく 現在のリストの作成者 でしょう。このユーザーは、トランザクションを処理するために売り手として登録する必要があります。

App fee (アプリ料金)
You can charge a fee on transactions, but it must a currency amount and not a percentage.You can, however, compute the value in the field using the Composer.

Card ID to charge (手数料を請求するカード ID )
You can optionally specific a card ID to charge. If this field is not filled, the default card of the user will be used.
オプションでチャージするカード ID を指定することができます。このフィールドが入力されていない場合、ユーザーのデフォルトカードが使用されます。

Do not show success message (成功メッセージを表示しない)
By default, Bubble displays an alert informing the user when the action is successful. Deactivate this behavior by deselecting this box if you want to display a custom message instead of the default Bubble message.

◆Register the user as a seller(ユーザーを販売者として登録する)
This action enables users to become merchants on your platform. For example, if you want to build a marketplace where users can sell their work to someone else, then they need to be able to credit their account when a transaction occurs. Your app will usually take a commission.
You must create an application on Stripe to enable this type of transaction. See Stripe Connect for more information.
Important: You need to set the redirection URIs in Stripe as ‘/poststripeauth’ for this to work. See the Stripe panel in Account Settings in Connect.
このタイプのトランザクションを可能にするには、 Stripe 上でアプリケーションを作成する必要があります。詳細については、「 Stripe Connect 」を参照してください。(https://stripe.com/connect)
重要 : この機能を有効にするには、 Stripe のリダイレクト URI を「 /poststripeauth 」に設定する必要があります。 Connect のアカウント設定の Stripe パネルを参照してください。

Business email (ビジネスメール)
Prefill information to ease the process with Stripe. Enter the email the user is likely to use.
Stripe での処理を簡単にするための情報を事前に入れておきます。ユーザーが利用する可能性の高いメールを入力します。

Business URL (ビジネス URL )
Prefill information to ease the process with Stripe. Enter the URL the user is likely to use.
Stripe での処理を楽にするための情報をプレフィルします。ユーザーが利用する可能性の高い URL を入力します。

Business name (事業者名)
Prefill information to ease the process with Stripe. Enter the name the user is likely to use.
Stripe での処理を簡単にするための情報をプレフィルします。ユーザーが使用する可能性の高い名前を入力します。

Business address (事業所の住所)
Prefill information to ease the process with Stripe. Enter the address the user is likely to use.
Stripe での処理を簡単にするために情報をプレフィルします。ユーザーが使用する可能性の高いアドレスを入力します。

Product category (商品カテゴリ)
Prefill information to ease the process with Stripe. Enter the product category the user is likely to sell.
Stripe での処理を簡単にするために情報をプレフィルします。ユーザーが販売する可能性の高い商品カテゴリを入力します。

Sold products are physical products (売れる商品は物理的な商品)
Prefill information to ease the process with Stripe. Enter whether the user is likely to sell a physical product.
Stripe での処理を簡単にするための情報をプレフィルします。ユーザーが物理的な商品を販売する可能性があるかどうかを入力します。

Product description (商品の説明)
Prefill information to ease the process with Stripe. Enter the type of product the user is likely to sell.
Stripe での処理を簡単にするための情報をプレフィルします。ユーザーが販売する可能性の高い商品の種類を入力します。

◆Subscribe the user to a plan(ユーザーをサブスクプランに登録する)
This action subscribes a user to a plan, which was previously defined in Stripe. Then, the card will be charged on a regular basis. If the user is already on a plan, their subscription will be updated to the new plan. If the user fails to enter their credit card information, the workflow will stop running.
Important: Since the app has two versions, Development and Live, you need to have both versions of your account in Stripe to have the same plans with the same IDs.

Apply this action to the current user (このアクションを現在のユーザーに適用します。)
By default, the ‘Subscribe user’ action applies to the currently logged in user. To apply the operation to another user, uncheck this box.

Subscribed user (購読したユーザー)
Define the user to subscribe to a plan. This user must be signed up already because we need to have their saved credit card information. The user does not need to be logged in for the transaction to happen.

Update existing subscription (既存のサブスクリプションを更新する)
If you check this box, the current user’s subscription, if any, will be updated. If the box is not check, a new subscription will be added to the user.

Subscription ID ( opt. )(サブスクリプション ID (オプション))
If you want to update an existing subscription, you can define here the subscription ID (returned by Stripe). If this is empty, the action will modify the first subscription returned by Stripe.

Dynamically specify plan (動的にプランを指定する)
By default, the plan is chosen in a dropdown menu. To make the plan dynamic, check this box.

Subscription type (サブスクリプションの種類)
You can either pick one plan (most common case), or include more than one plan in the subscription.

Plan name (プラン名)
Once you enter your keys in the Stripe section in the Plugins Tab, we fetch the plans you created with Stripe to populate this list. Select the plan to subscribe the user to. If the plan is dynamic, the value must be one of the plans defined in your Stripe account.
Important: Since the app has two versions, Development and Live, you need to have both versions of your account in Stripe to have the same plans with the same IDs.

Quantity (数量)
Enter the quantity to apply to the plan. In most cases it will be 1, but to have variable pricing on the plan, use this.

Subscription Items (サブスクリプション項目)
You can define a list of plans/quantitie to add to the subscriptions

Apply a coupon to this subscription (この定期購読にクーポンを適用する)
To provide discounts to certain customers, create coupon codes in the Stripe Dashboard. Check this box to enter a coupon ID.
特定の顧客に割引を提供するには、Stripe Dashboardでクーポンコードを作成します。このボックスにチェックを入れて、クーポンIDを入力します。

Coupon ID (クーポンID)
Enter the coupon ID. It can be dynamic information coming from an input.

Tax percent (税率)
Enter the tax percentage, which should be a positive decimal between 1 and 100. It can be dynamic using the Composer. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be calculated and added as tax to the final amount for each billing period. For example, a plan that charges $10/month with a tax percent of 20.0 will charge $12 per invoice.

End of the trial (トライアルの終了)
Enter the date representing the end of the trial period. After this time, the customer will be charged. When selected, this setting overrides the default trial period of the plan the customer is subscribed to.

Do not show success message (成功メッセージを表示しない)
By default, Bubble displays an alert informing the user when the action is successful. Deactivate this behavior by deselecting this box if you want to display a custom message instead of the default Bubble message.

◆Apply a coupon to the user’s subscription(ユーザーのサブスクリプションにクーポンを適用する)
This action applies a coupon/discount to the current user’s subscription.

Apply this action to the current user (現在のユーザーにこのアクションを適用します。)
By default, the ‘Apply a coupon to the user’s subscription’ action applies to the currently logged in user. To apply the operation to another user, uncheck this box.

Subscribed user (サブスクライブしているユーザー)
Define the user to apply a coupon to. This user must be signed up already because we need to have their saved credit card information. The user does not need to be logged in for the transaction to happen.

Subscription ID (サブスクリプションID)
If you want to update an existing subscription, you can define here the subscription ID (returned by Stripe). If this is empty, the action will modify the customer object in Stripe and all plans will have the coupon applied to them.

End of the trial (トライアルの終了)
Enter the date when the trial period should end. If left empty, no trial period will apply.

Do not show success message (成功メッセージを表示しない)
By default, Bubble displays an alert informing the user when the action is successful. Deactivate this behavior by deselecting this box if you want to display a custom message instead of the default Bubble message.

◆Create an invoice item(請求書の項目を作成する)
This action creates an invoice item for the user. The invoice item will be paid with the next invoice.

User (ユーザー)
Define the user to charge. If the user does not have a credit card on file, the action will fail.

Amount (金額)
Enter the amount to charge. It can be dynamic using the ‘Insert dynamic data’ button.

Currency (通貨)
Enter the currency of the transaction. If the currency is not in the list you can type it.

Description (説明を入力します。)
Enter the description that will appear in the email users receive from Stripe.

◆Pay an invoice(請求書の支払い)
This action immediately charges a pending invoice. It uses the card the user has on file.

Invoice ID (インボイスID)
Enter the Stripe invoice ID to charge.

◆Cancel the current user’s plan(現在のユーザーのプランをキャンセルする)
This action cancels a subscription with Stripe. The card will not be charged anymore.

Apply this action to the current user (このアクションを現在のユーザーに適用します。)
By default, the ‘Cancel Plan’ action applies to the currently logged in user. To apply the operation to another user, uncheck this box.

Subscribed user (加入しているユーザー)
Define the user to unsubscribe. This user must be signed up already. The user does not need to be logged in for the transaction to happen.

Cancel all subscriptions (すべての購読をキャンセルする)
If this box is checked, all subscriptions on the user will be canceled. If not, you will be able to specify a subscription ID.

Subscription ID (サブスクリプションID)
If you want to cancel an existing subscription (and keep the other subscriptions running), you can define here the subscription ID (returned by Stripe).

Do not show success message (成功メッセージを表示しない)
By default, Bubble displays an alert informing the user when the action is successful. Deactivate this behavior by deselecting this box if you want to display a custom message instead of the default Bubble message.

◆Create a subscription item(サブスクリプションの項目を作成する)
This action adds a plan to an existing subscription.

Subscription ID (サブスクリプション ID)
Define here the subscription ID (returned by Stripe) to add the plan to.

Plan name (プラン名)
Once you enter your keys in the Stripe section in the Plugins Tab, we fetch the plans you created with Stripe to populate this list. Select the plan to subscribe the user to. If the plan is dynamic, the value must be one of the plans defined in your Stripe account.
Important: Since the app has two versions, Development and Live, you need to have both versions of your account in Stripe to have the same plans with the same IDs.

Quantity (数量)
Enter the quantity to apply to the plan. In most cases it will be 1, but to have variable pricing on the plan, use this.

◆Update a subscription item(サブスクリプションの項目を更新する)
This action modifies a plan to an existing subscription that has more than one plan.

Subscription Item ID (サブスクリプションのアイテム ID)
Define here the subscription item D (returned by Stripe) to update.

Plan name (プラン名)
Once you enter your keys in the Stripe section in the Plugins Tab, we fetch the plans you created with Stripe to populate this list. Select the plan to subscribe the user to. If the plan is dynamic, the value must be one of the plans defined in your Stripe account.
Important: Since the app has two versions, Development and Live, you need to have both versions of your account in Stripe to have the same plans with the same IDs.

Quantity (数量)
Enter the quantity to apply to the plan. In most cases it will be 1, but to have variable pricing on the plan, use this.

◆Delete a subscription item(サブスクリプションの項目を削除する)
This action deletes a plan to an existing subscription that has more than one plan. The subscription will still keep going after the deletion.

Subscription Item ID (サブスクリプションの項目 ID)
Define here the subscription item ID (returned by Stripe) to delete.

◆Make a card new default(カードを新しいデフォルトにする)
This action modifies the current user and makes a card the new default payment mean.

Credit Card ID (クレジットカードID)
Define here the card ID (returned by Stripe) to use.

◆Delete a credit card(クレジットカードの削除)
This action deletes a credit card on the current user.

Credit Card ID (クレジットカードID)
Define here the card ID (returned by Stripe) to delete.

①Google翻訳では精度が低いので、https://www.deepl.com/translator を使用しています。
③タイトルは【Reference日本語化】hogehoge - ver.1.0という名付けにしております。