Stripe plugin for bubble

Hi everybody,
I made a site in and I made a link to my bubble app. In my bubble app there is a part that the user have to pay a small amount to upload data. I installed stripe. I’m still in testmodus in stripe. When I pay there appears this pay box.

It works but maybe it would be better when this appears.

How do I manage that? How can I replace the first one with the second ?
anybody expierienced with this?

Hey @anon70120467 :wave:

Maybe this is what you are looking for? Check out the option under plugins > Stripe (Bubble’s Stripe Plugin)

Hope that helps! :blush:


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thank you so much
Have a great evening
Kind regards

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What do I have to chance in stripe? where?

To be SCA compliant I think they removed the save a CC option. You just need to charge the current user. It’s a much simpler process too.

Let me know if that helps. :blush:

Thanks J805
I was just planning too to do so or tommorowmorning

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Hi there J805
I tried to change to V3 but I got this.

In my workflow I can’t put in an action first " collect the users’s CC information"
is that the problem?
is the problem situated in

  • stripe plugin in Bubble?
  • workflow in Bubble?
    What should I do?

Note that with v3 I think you lose the ability to collect the user’s CC information separate from the charge. V2 allows you do to that, but it doesn’t have the SCA compliance as v3.

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Hey @anon70120467 :wave:

I know it can be tricky at first.

The issue: One of your fields are blank.

Troubleshooting methods: Try typing in a name and email manually instead of dynamically. If it works, that means one of your dynamic fields are turning up blank. You are required to have a name, description and amount field. If you think the fields shouldn’t be blank, try displaying the data on your screen, this will prove to yourself that one of the fields are blank. Just a nice way of troubleshooting.


Hope that makes sense! :blush:


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Thanks but I solved it. It seemed that in the plugin stripe in Bubble I could suddenly choose three… 1 time 2V en 2 times 3V… I chenched and it worked. Very strange. Maybe they were updating.
Thank 4 the help

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