Repeating group data need to seprate

Sir tyler u are really great and very helpfull me to me i am going to ask u one last question again and question if i have a client from whom i get the advance payment of 50 % or certain amount like 10000 AED and when i am going to prepare the final invoice and i want to subratc that amount autmatically how i can do this means i need to check for ths customer last invoice or the same invoice to subrat the amount sorry for the long msg…

You could just create a new invoice item for that invoice, and name the description “Advanced payment” and make the amount -$10,000 (negative 10,000). That would be a quick way to do it.

Otherwise it gets complicated but you could make a payment system where you “apply” payments to the invoice until the balance is 0, kind of like accounting software. That would be a whole other thing to setup though of course. Then you could generate an invoice in advanced and apply half the payment already from your example.

Also does your invoice show any totals or anything?

Sir Tyler thanks for yor response and i found out a solution thnku so much for your kindness i really appericate for your help.

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