Repeating group item "not showing" but it's on the page

Hi guys, I’ve created a repeating group to show jobs based on three tiers:

  • Tier 1 - The job posting stays live for 10 days
  • Tier 2 - The job posting stays live for 20 days
  • Tier 3 - The job posting stays live for 30 days

I’m trying to hide each item of the repeating group based on the created date, but it’s still showing:

Each item is blank, but the HTML of each one is there.

This is my repeating group settings:

And this is the settings of a group inside each item that controls if the item will be shown or not:

I’ve tried everything, but I can’t get this working.

Hi there, @tqecampos… if I understand your post correctly (and I could easily be off base here), you could/should consider merging three searches together in your repeating group’s data source, and then you wouldn’t need those conditions and only the appropriate jobs would show up.

So, do a search for Tier 3 jobs with the on hold constraint and the appropriate date-related constraint, merge that search with a search for Tier 2 jobs with the on hold constraint and the appropriate date-related constraint, and merge those searches with a search for Tier 1 jobs with the on hold constraint and the appropriate date-related constraint.

The punchline is that the repeating is always showing the right jobs instead of trying to hide items/groups that aren’t supposed to be shown.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks, Mike! That’s exactly what I needed to do. It’s working now.

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