could you please help me in case of showing last items based on name in RG?
I have table with “servers” and theirs “status”. There is more times same server with different status and i need to show only last statuses. So servers should be unique, sorted by creation date.
SRV01 … bad
SRV01 … ok
SRV02 … X
I need to show only this:
SRV01 … bad
SRV02 … X
I tried grouping (grouped by server), but then i cant insert status to text field:
Hi there, @stoklasa.michal666… there has got to be a better way to get the status than what I am about to suggest, but I’ll be darned if I know what it is right this minute. In the text element that displays the status, you can do a search for servers where the name equals the current cell’s grouping’s name, and then add :last item's status to the search expression.
Again, I’m thinking there has to be a better way to go here, but if it works, it works, eh?