I’m trying to build a multi-page quiz in Bubble, questions are stored in a table Test Questions in Bubble with two fileds: Question (for text of the question) and Order (to correctly sort them).
Possible answers are 1 to 5, currently created each as separate group + text.
Repeating group displays all questions (source: Test Questions), and possible answers 1 to 5.
When user selects an answer, I want it to be highlighted and stored in the in the custom state Selected Answer, which is created in an inner Group Question which is basically just a container for each question.
I have a workflow set for each possible answer: Set State of Group Question.Selected Answer to This Text, which works just fine.
Then each answer has a formatting condition, if Group Question.Selected Answer = This Text → highlight with green.
Everything was fine until I introduced pages to the Repeating Group. So now it displays 3 questions at a time, and with buttons Next Page and Previous Page it navigates through the pages of the RG.
I noticed the following problem: If user answers on one page:
the answers get “transferred” to the next page and are highlighted:
Same happens if user goes to previous page.
I assume it is a problem with indexing, but don’t see a way to solve it at the moment.
Would be grateful for your suggestions