Repeating group that calls on a list of unique ID from a url parameter - no results

Hi! I have a database about products in shops.

One table is Shops, and alongside address and other info, it has a product field that has a list of the unique IDs of products at that shop - productsList.
Another is Products and alongside other data fields, it also has a list of unique ID of the shops that the product is in - shopList.

One product can be in multiple shops, and of course one shop has multiple products.

I have a page that has the shop’s unique ID as a parameter in the url. I can then display the location of the shop and some details such as name, address, description.

Under these details I’d love to put a repeating group with a list of the products that are at that shop.

This is where I’m getting confused. I’ve tried so many different combinations of things…

In the repeating group, if I set the “Type of content” as “Product” and then “do a search for products” - it brings up all the products. Great!

But I want it to only show products that have the shopID from the URL in the shop field… I do a search for product, then add the constraint “shopList contains get shopID from page URL”. If I choose the parameter as: shopID and the type as: text - it says the value should be a shop but now it is a text.

If I change it to Shop… then there are no errors (all blue!), but nothing comes up in the repeating group.

Inspect says list of products is (empty)

Can someone help! Point me in the direction of a tutorial for how repeating groups use lists within data? I’ve looked, I promise.

Are unique IDs treated differently in a list?

The data is definitely there.

Pics of data type and app data.

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This may be a new question but… In one of my experiments, I’ve created a new relational (JOIN) table within my database. It is currently empty. Is there some kind of workflow that I need to do to fill it?

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Any help will be great! I’m going around in circles here…

Let me know if there’s something that isn’t clear.

Create a backend workflow with a single parameter, with the same datatype as the Thing in the database that needs the field filled in.

Then make the workflow modify that field with the value you want.

Then go to Data tab, click Bulk, and pick the workflow you made.

thank you! i just realised i forgot to update the subject line to better suit what i ended up writing. i will try this tomorrow and let you know how i go.

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Hi @cuentas! You can fix this? Because i have the same problem haha