Repeating Group with Drag/Drop issue

Ok, so I’m making a digital character sheet for a ttrpg I’ve been building and I’m working on an inventory page. I’m having trouble getting a pair of repeating groups to work the way I want them to. Both groups have a RG is inside a drop area a couple pixels wider than the RG, and each cell is a drag/drop group with a text field showing the name of an item and a ? icon that will (eventually) show a popup with details on the item. One group is “the ground” and links to a data type called inventory which is “inside” (dual referenced by unique id) a data type called DM Stuff. The other group is “the character’s inventory” and is similarly indexed within a data type called Inventory which is inside a huge Character data type that has a few hundred other parameters.

So the goal is to have a DM list of items that I can throw on the ground and the players will be able to drag those items into their inventory and later equip/use them etc. Here’s where it gets wonky. Say I’ve got an item in the database under the DM inventory, and it shows in the top group, which I click and drag down to the character’s inventory. That part works perfectly. I’ve got workflows set up to create a new thing with the attributes of what was dropped, hide and delete the original item etc etc. The new item pops up in the character’s RG, database updates and everything is groovy. Then if I go to reverse the action, though, it just disappears. The same thing happens whether I take the item from the ground to the inventory and back to the ground, or from inventory to ground and back to inventory. Thing is, it’s not that it isn’t running the workflow the second time around. Everything on the database side looks normal and updated, and if I refresh the page the item shows up exactly where it’s supposed to be. It just doesn’t display for some reason until I refresh.

Any ideas?

Also, Hi, Hello, Good Evening and such. I’m Tangent. I’m new to Bubble. Just found it about a week and a half ago. Seems awesome so far and I plan to be here a while from the looks of things.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Here’s some screengrabs in case it helps.

This is the initial state

This is me dragging it up. (printscreen doesn’t show the hand but its there)

This is where it pops up in the ground inventory.

Then I drag it back down.

Then it disappears.

And then when I refresh its fine again.

try to add a step that refreshes the inventory group in the end of the reverse workflow

Didn’t know that was an option but it makes sense. I’ll try to find it.

Where’s it meant to be? Element actions? I can refresh the page via navigation but I’m trying to avoid it, lag and all.

it’s reset group group option. I think it’s in elements. u can just search fro reset you will find it

Ah ok, I see what you’re talking about.

Doesn’t seem to be an option for the RG. Tried to find a way to apply it to the parent group whenever the contents of the RG changes but couldn’t see a way. Tried Clear list on both RG’s, but it didn’t change anything. Refresh page is confirmed to fix it, but then I have to wait for the page to load every time I move an item, which isn’t a huge loss on my pc, but if one of my players is on a potato it’ll be an issue for them.

Ok, Fixed it. I don’t know why it worked but it did. I changed the drag drop group behavior post drop property from hide to move back and now it works as expected… so… that’s a thing.