Repeating Groups Data NOT showing

So I created a RG with a new Data Type I created. The Data will NOT show. BUT, when I change that RG’s data to pull an older Data Type I created it SHOWS.

For some reason it appears as though all new Data Types I am creating can NOT be pulled inside a RG I create.

Anyone else experience this?

Hi @8910billiards :slight_smile: Can you share a link to your app editor? Or an example with screenshots? Just to double-check, do you have any data privacy roles which may cause the data of new types not to display?

YOU rock! IT was a privacy thing. But had no idea or why it was created.

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Ah! Those have gotten me before too! I’m pretty sure that when you set up a privacy role for a data type, and then create new fields within that data type, those fields will automatically be unchecked in the privacy role - so just have to keep an eye on the checkboxes! Glad to hear that did it! :slight_smile:

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