Hello, I have an online group where I have three repeating groups, each group brings the data of a product which are environment, description, and value. The description item is always longer and the other groups do not match, is it possible for the two groups with less content to inherit the height of the largest one?
Tank you!
Hello, is it possible to have a picture of the repeating group editor?
If the number of rows in all three RGs is the same, it is better to use 1 repeating group or if you want the width of the columns to be dynamic, use 2 nested repeating groups.
It doesn’t have the same number of lines because it varies depending on the content placed in the group, where the description is. Usually, the group on the left has one line, the central group has about ten lines, and the group on the right has one line. I would like them to have the same size so that the next content is aligned.
Based on my understanding of the issue, it seems that all three repeating groups contain the same number of data, but with different content. To address this and improve the app’s performance, I would suggest consolidating the three repeating groups into a single one with three fixed columns and a variable number of rows.
To implement this solution, I recommend setting the container to a row and enabling the “fit to content” option for the container height. Next, place three text elements within each cell of the repeating group and adjust their width to be fixed. For the text heights, I suggest setting the middle text element to “fit to content” while stretching the left and right elements.
I hope this solution addresses both the content and performance concerns and improves the overall user experience for your app’s users. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out
Okay, I’ll make those modifications, thank you
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