Hi guys, I hope you have a great day. And thank you upfront for any advice.
User has ‘‘Multidropdown’’ to select values (products in my case). I need to set reset ‘‘button’’ to give user option to reset selected value to default.
I am having problem to set this reset button. I can do it without filter. But with filter I am snot able.
App: Forum-version | Bubble Editor
I have tried set workflow like this:
‘‘When reset Button is clicked’’:
Reset data → I don’t have group available to choose (this I used without filter because Multidrop sits in group element for other things I need to do)
Clear list → here I have option to select whole RG that contains Multidrop. But it does nothing. (Is there something more I have to add to this? Like ‘‘only when XX’’)
Reset Input → as far as I know this one need some workflow before itself. So the one did not work as well
And other workflow like this:
When Inputs value change → clear list/reset data … but did not figure it out.
I have filter that says show whole database except values in state.
This I have set in Multidrop:
And this is workflow.