RESOLVED - How would you display a popup upon a repeating group having no data?

How would you go about displaying a simple popup with a message if there is no data in the repeating group? What event will trigger that in the workflow? or what conditional?

Example popup: > “You have no items in your list. Please call us at 555 555 5555”


(When condition is true) When repeating group’s list :count is 0 > show pop up

Gaby | Coaching Bubble


Thank you. I had to include a conditional AND for the repeating group IS VISIBLE. Otherwise the popup shows up before the data has a chance to load up and I have not shown the repeating group yet. Thanks for help.

For newbies like me, this might make it clear.

  1. You have to go the WORKFLOW
  2. Find an empty box “click here to add an event”
  3. Then select General - WHEN CONDITION IS TRUE
  4. Specify the condition as @romanmg states above
  5. Then below in the ACTION box select ELEMENT - SHOW - select your popup to show
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