[RESOLVED] Stripe 'Cancel current user plan' not showing any actions?

I have added all the Stripe secret keys and Client IDs in Bubble, although when I try to add a ‘cancel plan’ action, I am not given any options to select.

Now, when I remove the Live Client ID…I’m referred to the ‘Enter the API Key’

Hi Rogelio,

When you create a subscription, you specify a quantity parameter. When you cancel it, you don’t need to specify it anymore, since it cancel the subscription as a whole.

From the Stripe API documentation:
The quantity you’d like to apply to the subscription you’re creating. For example, if your plan is $10/user/month, and your customer has 5 users, you could pass 5 as the quantity to have the customer charged $50 (5 x $10) monthly. If you update a subscription but don’t change the plan ID (e.g. changing only the trial_end), the subscription will inherit the old subscription’s quantity attribute unless you pass a new quantity parameter. If you update a subscription and change the plan ID, the new subscription will not inherit the quantity attribute and will default to 1 unless you pass a quantity parameter.


​Subscriptions allow you to charge a customer’s card on a recurring basis. A subscription ties a customer to a particular plan you’ve created.
Updating a subscription by changing the plan or quantity generates a new Subscription object.


thanks for the response, but I’m struggling to implement…

here is an example of what I am trying to achieve:

  1. user subscribes to a plan and specifies the quantity eg; 3 (I can get this step to work well)
  2. user wishes to update the subscription and subtract by 1
  3. subscription continues to be charged for 2 only

I am trying to use this action to perform step 2 above:

but this prompts the user to re-enter credit card details and creates a new subscription with the new quantity in Stripe.

Which is not what I want.

You solved this using the update action, right?

yes, this was solved with the update made to the subscription action.

I’ll mark it as being resolved.

thanks for confirming.