As per title… making it very hard to build the app because the responsive editor looks very different so I never know how it will turn out until i click
Preview, and I cant really make edits effectively… For example in the attached screenshots, I want the content in the page to take up full width once page width decreases to below 768px (above that, I configured the sidebar navigation in a floating group to show). In the responsive editor, all looks good as per screenshot. Then on PREVIEW, I make the page smaller to below 768px and I’m not seeing the content that is in the other screenshot. have also tested on my mobile screen which is less than 768px. pls help!
I can help you if you share the app here
thank you! sorry Im not sure - how do I share an app? If at all possible I would like to know how to fix it myself as Im still learning
No problem, it’s so easy to share. Just you need to go to settings → general. You will see a dropdown that has 3 options. You need to select everyone can view
After that, you just need to share the url of the editor
thank you! ive actually managed to fix in meantime but thanks so much!
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