Responsiveness of the height of a group/element

You can use the classify plugin to do it.

  1. List item Install the plugin & enable ID’s (Settings - General - Expose the option to add an ID)

  2. List item Set the ID of the grey element to: {addClass: “grey”}

  3. List item Set the ID of the pink element to: {addClass: “pink”}

  4. List item Then create a html element and paste the following in:

.grey {
  height: 100vh !important;

.pink {
  position: fixed !important;
  top: calc(100vh - 50px) !important;

Attention: You need to adjust the “50px” to the height of your pink element - I just used 50px as an example.

That should do the trick. However the usability will depend on the elements you are going to put inside these groups.

Hope that helps.

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