Retrieve email confirmation token without sending email

Ah yes - the current confirmation token generation process requires the user (for whom the confirmation token is generated) to be logged in. Noting this down as a feature request - seems like a common flow :thinking:


Hey Grace :wave:

Do you think there could be an action to simply resend an email verification email? Sometimes a user wants to reset their password, but they are logged out and their email is not verified. Before sending a password reset email I want to verify the email address first. But since the user is logged out, I have to manually send a magic link and take care of the verification process when all I want to do is resend an email verification…. Why can’t we send verification emails to users who are logged out? I don’t want to handle it manually.


Grace-- to loop back on this, I realized that I had this option checked under my “Sign the user up” action.

It would be really, really, nice if would create a reusable for sign up - sign in.
I am confused… ;(


I’m still confused. How can a user confirm his email without sending them an email? When the user clicks on the link any other way than through an email, the email is not actually confirmed. What am I missing here? :thinking:

Also, if I’m correct, it was already possible to generate a token when using the send email activity. So what actually does this new feature bring?

Just trying to understand…

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It’s not about the email, it’s about clicking a link that includes the confirmation token. Potentially, the user could also receive this link another way (SMS/manually/whatever).

I am really confused by these instructions. I just want to use the confirm email link to send it in my own email. Does this happened in the sign up workflow or the backend workflow?


This seems to be a good feature but lacks a good explanation of the working details. Can I suggest that Bubble put together a short video to explain clearly what can be done with the token, how it works, and the various use cases it can apply to? I need to be able to confirm a secondary email for Users and am struggling to really understand what I should be doing.


Couldn’t agree more!!!


Hi Team, I would like to use the out of the box functionality to send an email and get user to follow a link to the confirmation page. It seems I am having trouble saving the confirmation key before completing the workflow of the sign up button. Could you please provide a detailed sample of how this should be made available for the user change. Regards Boris

It works for me :smiley: , thanks @grace.hong

Hello @grace.hong I sent email like shown in the picture attached where the user can see his Token , Is it against good practice to show the token to the user?

Thank you in advance for your feedback,

Hi @grace.hong , sorry to refloat this item, but the “just make token, don’t send email” function seems just stopped working. :cold_sweat:

It was working in my app as a client WF just by creating the token to then redirect the user to a new page, but after some days with user issues I realised the token is it now creating as “(empty)”.

Could it be because of the new Bubble upgrade? It was working days ago and every test I try now do not work.

I also tried to implement it in the server through an API workflow and the API Connector if that was the problem, but I always receive: {“statusCode”:400,“reason”:“NO_EMAIL”… when the email I send exists in the database.

Thank you in advance!

PD: Is it ok to publish the issue here or we should send it via another mail/form?

Why does bubble not action these threads.

There is a consistent lack of proper and full documentation with video helpers.

This is a need for a lot of people to confirm their emails and when you are adminning a new user and dont want to send a confirmation email because you are creating the account you need to bypass the confirmation

At this point its just easier to turn off email confirmation - but that then drops the security.
Yet more issues around security with bubble - its really poor.

Instead of developing my app I have to spend hours trying to get basic functionality which should be out of the box standard - its bog standard signup/login functionality.

Im about 10 hours in on this - there is something seriously wrong to how this is thought about - getting multiple issues whichever way I try it.

Totally unhelpful bubble - sort it out bubble.

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Am getting an error message, any tips?

I confirm the existence of this problem. Using token creation does not return this token in any way. It is empty. It can’t be written to a custom state, written to a table, or used as a parameter for Go to page. It seems to me that this problem is critical

Are you creating it on the server via backend workflow?

As stated in the notes at the end of the original post, that’s the only way it will work. If that’s what you’re doing, then a bug report might be warranted.

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Hey @grace.hong ,

as many others I am in the situation I would need to send a customized email, through Postmark, both for the confirmation of the email address an for an eventual password reset.

My setup is that the user, after having input their email address and chosen a password, should receive the confirmation email.
At that point the signup process is “freezed” up to when the user confirms their email by clicking on the link in the email.
Once clicked, the signup flow continues by asking further information to the user and recording them.

In order to do that, I trigger a custom event that contains a “sign the user up” action (and runs only when the "Current User email confirmed is ‘no’ ").
After that, I call a backend API (always just when the “Current User email confirmed is ‘no’”) whose flow includes the “send a confirmation email” with the “just token” checkbox checked that I use in the following step to create the link I send to the user by email.

Another custom event with the successive actions is triggered by a "When Current User email confirmed is ‘yes’ " event.
Now, everything seems to work smoothly except that, when the user clicks on the email link, they are brought to a new browser tab where the user is asked to log in.
In the original browser tab, the one where the user started their signup process, instead, the custom event constrained by the “Current User email confirmed is ‘yes’” boolean, is triggered, meaning that the email is correctly verified.

So it looks to me that in the original tab the user session is kept active, while in the new tab it isn’t.

Can you confirm I am doing the right steps?

Is there anything maybe I am missing in order to let the users go on with their signup process in the newly opened browser tab after they click on the email link?

Furthermore, is the generated token valid forever? In such a case is there a way to make it invalid after a specific amount of time so that the user must ask for it again when they want to confirm their email address?

Lastly, I tried to add a “log the user out” to the backend API flow after sending the email with the link, to check if the issue was related to the fact the user was logged in in the original tab.
Curiously, in the original tab, the user stays logged in and once the email link is clicked, the flow proceeds with the next actions triggered when the “Current User email confirmed is ‘yes’”.

Thank you!

I read this and thought I may have a solution to help out, its a way for both recovery tokens and magic link token capture, you can then do what you need in a workflow and build and email an auto login etc.

I posted a new post on it in tips, however, everyone need to be cautious with this approach.