Reusable Element with 2 Objects

Hi all,

need help. I want to create a new website. no one pager, I want to create different pages.

On every page I want to include a menu + header (2 floating groups):

If I will have 6 pages, I dont want to copy and paste it 6 times. And if I add a new page (page 7) then I have to edit all of these menu elements (6/7 times).

I learned that it’s useful to use reusable elements for that. I also used it in another project with only 1 floating header element (top of the page). that works very well.
If I try to create a reusable element with both floating groups, the generated reuseable elemen’ts page only shows 1 of the elements (left one/menu). It seems no possibility to get a reusable element of both objects. (?!) (it is possible to create a reusable element of both floating groups, but if I insert the element in a new (blank) page, the result is not as expected - design of elements , positions… are “broken”).

Important: Both objects inteacts together: if a user clicks on the “minimize-arrow”, the left group will hide and the header group will in increase and vice versa. (I’m using custom states).

How would be the best way to achieve this? Just 1 left+top-floating element across all sites that “interacts” together.

any idea?

thanks a lot and best,

@jupixy Interesting finding. A reusable not being able to show 2 floating groups.

I do not use reusable floating groups. I create reusables and place them inside floating groups. But they do not interact between them without some vehicle (url parameters or dB) as this is your requirement.

Ways to make them interact between them, as mentioned before, are url parameters and dB. dB would be an overkill. url parameters will work but I can understand that there may be reasons not to use this route.

And … yeap … it seems that a 1-left+top approach would be at this time the best way to go if you want to avoid elaborate means for them to communicate between each other.

Have you tried reaching out to Bubble support? If you contact them please do share with us your findings.

Hi Jupxi,

Why not to create 2 reusable elements, one for the left and other for the header, and then for interaction purposes, instead of custom states, use url parameter?

Kind regards,

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