Reusable Elements To Work Together?

I want to be able to open consecutive reusable elements using workflows. This doesn’t seem possible.

For example, I want to use a button to open reusable element 1, and then using a button on reusable element 1, open reusable element 2. Is this not possible?


Insert reusables inside reusables

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Yes it is possible.

You need to work with different states within the reusable elements and “Do when conditions”.


  • Button to show reusable element 1
  • Reusable Element 1 has another Button which sets a certain state on that reusable element 1
  • Make a “Do when true condition” on that page where the reusable elements are place together saying “If State is true from reusable element 1” open reusable element 2

I did something similar with filters depending on one each other, where the filter of a reusable element should be changed once something is clicked in another reusable element.

Be aware to always keep the states organized.



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Complementing @Sarah_Biberei great advice, one can also use:

  • custom events
  • url parameters

If you build the habit of building logic using custom events one of the side benefits (which are many) is that all of a sudden you can schedule them from the outside of the reusable element. :smiley:

Url parameters can be read from any reusable element as well because they are located on the url.

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Custom events really changed my bubble life :wink:

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