🤌 Rich text editor with real-time collaboration (Tiptap)

Highlight of the weekend! (no pun intended :wink:)

Thanks for pushing these update!

This is awesome! For text formatting I’m just missing underline (I’ll stop nagging now :see_no_evil:)

Is there a way that I could limit the amount of characters (kind of like how bubble handles it for it’s native inputs)?

Release 1.7.0 - Tables

A ton of functionality. I still haven’t figured out the proper CSS / Tailwind.


Release 1.8.0: underline


is there any built-in way to hide the scroll bars?

thanks rico

Would it be possible to add shadow settings? I do it through custom CSS now, but would be great to have it natively!

Thanks a lot, good piece of work.

Hi, Rico, is there a way to make one panel of buttons usable from many inputs (because now in Workflow it is necessary to select a specific input for which formatting will be applied)? Because now it turns out that it is necessary to create an additional panel for each input, and there are a lot of such fields in my case, and it will be terrible to make duplicate blocks with a button.

Is any salvation possible?)

And there is a 2nd point - if you add buttons to the Repeating Group as a Bubblemenu, that is, they are shown when we select the text, then for the first element, the menu with buttons is not visible, but starting from the second RG element, it is visible by default. Is there any way to make it not visible in RG?


I am new to bubble so please excuse me if my query does not even make sense.

My requirement is to show the text output I receive from an API. I tried a few things to make it work but I was unable to display the output on the rich text editor.
The API call is successful, I can display it in a text box in a group. Is there any way that I can show that output directly in the rich text editor? If I can get that working that would be awesome.
Of course, my application also needs a regular rich text editor function that enables users to type in directly in the editor.

This works fine with bubble’s rich text editor. I like the flexibility in your plugin so looking forward to some resolution.


I don’t think it’s possible. What is possible is to wrap the whole editor and menus into one reusable and then place multiple on the page.


But… is a full-blown editor the right solution for a single-line input fields?


It’s possible with a bit of CSS. (source: w3school)


Do you think it’s worthwhile adding an option in this editor to hide it?

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Release 1.9.0

  • box shadow
    CleanShot 2023-02-03 at 09.11.29
  • source files: Tiptap will now get all the latest source files – Currently on: v2.0.0-beta.212. This could bite me in the a*s later on, but it’s been stable release after stable release so :crossed_fingers:
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Make it possible to change default font color please :slight_smile:

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Hey @rico.trevisan !

Love your plugin ! It’s great to finally see a good rich text plugin !

By any chance, is there a way the changer the default font color ? My app is dark themed, so i’d like to change the default font color to white.

That’s my only limitation with your plugin :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for the requests.

No, it doesn’t support it yet, but I’ll work on that next.

Hey @rico.trevisan seems like there’s an issue with the plugin

Could this issue be related to the auto-source files?

Since today, nothing loads. Not even on production which was pushed on the 28/01/2023 (had no issues until today).

this is probably the problem.

In the demo page currently v2.0.0-beta.215 is downloaded and that version (or the way esm.sh handles it) has a bug.


Thanks. I’ll lock it a version. It’s probably too wild to let the versions change Willy nilly like this.


I’ve pinned it to version 209. It’s working again.

Do I need to redeploy or something for the changes to make effect?

I’m still experiencing the same issue

Update: it’s working now (thanks Rico :+1:)

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Hi Rico, first of all, I wanna thank you soo much for the amazing plugin you’ve created.
But sadly, I’ve experienced a bug with initial content :frowning:

When I use initial content, with something that was previously saved by the same tiptap editor (as html content), the content is broken, and it loses the HTML formatting, and is read as an plan text after, but just after reload the page with no cache memory (like CTRL+F5). The initial content is placed without any HTML tags and formats and witouth any html formatting (but my data has all the html formatting).

Btw, thank God you’ve created that function, because it works properly.


But, it would be nice if you could fix this bug with initial content too, so other people won’t be scared as I was after “losing” a really big text formatting hahaha.
Thank you!!

Sorry if this isn’t a bug and I didn’t get how to use initial content or save my data, also would be nice to have an example in your bubble editor of how to save things too if it’s not too much to ask, hahahaha.

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Thanks for the report. Could you share more details / screen recordings of it? It’s the first time I heard of this.