Saving calculating inputs into data

Hi guys, I am new to bubble and I am having trouble saving Inputs with calculation results (numbers or percentage) into the data. I think it has something to do with formatting but haven’t figured it out. Any help will be highly appreciated

An input with calc data … I am not sure what you mean …

Have you set up a workflow to save the calculation to the database?

Hi Cmarchan.
Here’s what I need to do
A($2.70) B (12.9) C (3.2)
Then B minus C = D(9.7)
Then C divided by B = E (24.8%)
Then D divided by B = F (75.2%)
Then A divided by F = G ($3.59)

I get the results correct on the form (input container - dynamic data) but when I save with workflow the any cells which are results from calculations don’t get saved

Hi Robert.
Here’s what I need to do
A($2.70) B (12.9) C (3.2)
Then B minus C = D(9.7)
Then C divided by B = E (24.8%)
Then D divided by B = F (75.2%)
Then A divided by F = G ($3.59)

I get the results correct on the form (input container - dynamic data) but when I save with workflow the any cells which are results from calculations don’t get saved

It should work. There must be an issue with the workflow setup. Can you post images of the workflow so I can see what is going on?

It’s not obvious to me why it’s not working.

However, why do you need these expression elements. You can do the calculation in the (disabled) input field itself.

Thank you for taking the time to help me out. I trully appreciate that Robert
As you can see I manage to get my calculations right but for some reason can’t get them saved in the database

Are all of these fields in the database set to “Number” not Text?


I created a Test Page to test just one calculation but get no result

Maybe this will be more clear

OK @Akispapas, I see the problem. Your formula is in the wrong place. It needs to be in initial content, not placeholder.

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You are a lifesaver :slight_smile: I have been trying for weeks now to get it right. Thank you very much Robert.
I owe you one

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