Hey all,
I’m working on a mobile version of an application, and I’m having issues with the scroll to action. In the desktop version, the scroll to is used to return to the top of the page when an action is completed, which works fine. However, the mobile version uses Floating Groups as “pages” (tabs) for the app. The basic layout is such:
An upper floating group that contains the current tab/page info
A lower floating group that is always present, which is the “tab menu”. It has buttons on it that switch the tab
I’ve managed to generally get it working so far. The tab menu floats vertically to the bottom. The page floats vertically to “Both”. This allows for the user to scroll the tab as if it were the page contents, and it seems to work on different screen heights. However, the “scroll to” action no longer works as it used to, causing the contents of the floating group to remain as they were before the action was triggered.
My guess is that this has to do with the page itself being held static and the floating groups being the ones scrolled. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a bubble action for “scroll within a group/floating group”. Has anyone had any luck doing this?