Search for thing, if not there add to list?

Hello, I’m trying to create the following image below, but i find it quite hard and i can’t seem to find out how?

I wan’t users to be able to search for example “Summer” and if Summer is not there it will add it to the users and display it below, maybe also add it to a list for future users?

bumping this, any tutorials out there maybe?

There are probably a few ways of going about it.

I might:

Add a Searchbox that searches for the option, and add a workflow when Searchbox’s value (not typed text) is changed, add the selected option to whatever list you want.

Then, have a + button next to it which when clicked creates a new thing/adds to a list from the Searchbox’s typed text value.

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Hey thanks for the comment, sorry for the late reply(…) is there any way you can show me?

After some random searches on youtube for something completly diffrent i ran in to this video explaining how to do it by using the plugin MultiDropDown by Bubble.

I hope this helps other bubble users out there :slight_smile:

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Thanks lol!

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Haha I forgot about that checkbox :joy: