I’ve added Google Maps Extended and added required APIs. Now the map is working, I can zoom and see all places. but in few details, with no images or anything else even though I put the Places API on the " Place Details by ID-API key (Path)" and “Place Photo by ID-API key(path)”.
Also I can’t search. When I write anything on search bar, or even enter, nothing appears.
It’s been weeks that I am looking for a solution. Please help :((
If your geographic search is not giving you any results just check your dev console in browser, will will see if there is any error message in console.
Additionally check if all required API services are enabled like places search
I don’t think you can manipulate the callout to include images. What I do is creating my own callout and there you can populate with anything; reviews, images, etc - whatever you can get from Google Places.
Also, what is your workflow after the search function? Could you share a print screen?
You can test my map functionality here: roamfolio.com (still WIP and no self promotion), and see if it’s close to what you want
Hi Siddharth. This is my Dev Console. I am not a programmer , I’m a UI UX designer but I need to create this for the company so I don’t know codes. Yes All APIs are active including places and other essential APIs.
Is there any error related to the search not working?
Hi Landerberg. Thank you for the advice. I thought I can see everything automatically like the Google map. but you have included essential information in the floating box related to each place/station. Is there a tutorial on how to do it without codes? I am not a programmer , I’m a UI UX designer but I need to create this for the company so I don’t know codes.
This is the workflow that Chatgpt told me to create. Is it wrong?
No, nothing related to places API error,
I am not sure exactly what type of functionality you are looking for, but you can see my workflow for the Searchbox here:
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